A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks of the Imperial Examination

Chapter 132

Chapter 130: Extra Second

Xiao Jingduo and Rong Ke have been guarding Youzhou for three years. The originally sloppy Youzhou districts have gradually emerged signs of prosperity.

In the past three years, Rong Lang kept writing letters, wanting to summon Rong Ke and Xiao Jingduo back to Beijing. Rong Ke likes the relaxed atmosphere of Beijiang very much, and the affairs of Youzhou have just entered the right track, and it is indeed impossible to leave.

In the second year, Rong Ke gave birth to his eldest son, Xiao Ze, and he was more and more unable to leave.

In the fourth year of Cheng’an, Chang’an sent another four hundred li urgent letter from the royal pen, but this time Rong Lang did not ask them to come back, but said that Duan Gong was seriously ill, and he was very ill. critical.

Rong Ke was very self-willed when she was in power. The old ministers chased behind her every day to restrain her too self-willed actions, she ignored them, but in her heart, Rong Ke respected several of them very much, These are the pillars of the country. Duan Gong is one of them.

Rong Ke finally agreed and returned to Beijing.

There were two people when they came, and one was added when they came back. There were suddenly many more things to pay attention to on the road. Rong Ke got married very late. Although Xiao Jingduo got married even later, he was a man and others couldn’t feel it. When they arrived at Rong Ke’s place, many of the attendants actually remembered this matter in their hearts. Now that Rong Ke gave birth to the eldest son safely, the maids of the princess’ residence were greatly relieved. Moreover, the people around Rong Ke have followed Rong Ke from Liangyi Palace to Youzhou all the way, and they are not too young. When the long-awaited little master Xiao Ze was born, the maids immediately flooded with motherhood, and they could not wait. He put Xiao Ze in his mouth and held it in the palm of his hand, and took care of him on the road, for fear that Xiao Ze would be uncomfortable.

When they arrived at Chang’an, the emperor personally led his ministers out of the city to greet him. Rong Lang watched Xiao Jingduo dismount, and then carefully helped Rong Ke out of the car. He was so excited that he didn’t care about maintaining his imperial demeanor, he stepped forward and called, “Sister, you’re back!”

Rong Ke heard the voice and looked in the direction of the voice. Ten thousand feet of golden light shone on Rong Lang, and the ochre red imperial dress shone brightly. The sixteen-year-old boy when he left Beijing, his shoulders were no longer as thin as he was when he was a teenager, but became thicker.

Her brother, Rong Lang, has grown up.

And in all fairness, Rong Lang is more suitable to be the king of the world than Rong Ke. The most important thing in governing the world is to spread the word. Rong Ke’s temper is coming, and it doesn’t work for the king, but Rong Lang is gentle and generous, sensible and does not hold grudges. Even if he is angry, he will listen to the minister. If I have to say it, Rong Ke is more suitable for troubled times, and the iron and blood rule sweeps the world, while Rong Lang is suitable for being the king who guards the world in a stable dynasty.

Rong Lang is now approaching Double Ten, and he already has the prototype of a generation of Ming Jun.

When Rong Lang saw Xiao Ze who was hugged from behind, he was overjoyed and hugged him personally to tease.

“This child has a good-looking face, like a sister.”

The child’s face hasn’t opened yet, so how can you tell who it looks like, it’s just Rong Lang’s psychological factors. The Princess Mansion and the Chengxihou Mansion have no pressure on their common young master, no matter who Xiao Ze looks like when he grows up, it will not be a loss. Rong Ke and Xiao Jingduo are both known for their beauty, and their children are no different if they grow up.

Rong Lang has left the city in person, and it is definitely impossible to let Xiao Jingduo and Rong Ke go back to the mansion. Naturally, they will enter the palace. When they arrived in the palace, the queen led the concubines and concubines in the harem, who had been waiting for a long time.

The emperor and the famous Princess Gan Ning returned to the palace, who would dare to miss such a big event.

However, the queen and all the concubines waited for a long time, but they did not see Gan Ning.

The most capable father-in-law around the emperor came to report: “The saint and His Royal Highness, the Marquis of Chengxi are reminiscing about the old times in the Liangyi Hall. I have a few empresses to wait for a while.”

The queen’s face still didn’t show anything, but Zhaoyi who was sitting next to him immediately pulled his face down.

“What a big shelf, let so many of us wait.”

My father-in-law brushed aside the whisk and glanced at Li Zhaoyi lightly: “Zhaoyi, you have overstepped.”

This is the closest father-in-law in front of the emperor. Which of the concubines and concubines in the whole palace is not careful to please him? Hearing her father-in-law say this, her face turned from white to red, and finally lowered her head and said, “I’m being rude.”

It is rare to see Li Zhaoyi, the most favored, deflated. The queen immediately restrained herself, and politely but not flatteringly said to the royal father-in-law: “We know, we have nothing to do with us, just wait for the princess. There is a father-in-law who will leave this time.”

The father-in-law also smiled and returned the gift to the queen, shaking his head secretly in his heart, compared with the queen, Li Zhaoyi couldn’t be on the stage at all. This Li Zhaoyi is a newcomer to the palace. She has been favored since she first entered the palace. She is young and her brain is unclear, which is really regrettable.

Who is Princess Ganning, what can she say as a concubine? The root cause was that Li Zhaoyi was too young, and the princess entered the palace after she left Beijing. Anyone who had seen the princess during the Qianyuan period would not have done such a stupid thing.

In Liangyi Hall, Rong Lang teased Xiao Ze for a while before letting the palace servants take the child away and concentrate on talking to Rong Ke and Xiao Jingduo.

“Sister, Marquis Chengxi, how have you been in Youzhou?”

Xiao Jingduo replied: “Very good, thank Saint for your concern.”

“You are in Youzhou, and it takes a long time to send urgent letters for four hundred miles. It’s so far away from Chang’an, and it’s a frontier. Can you get used to it?” Rong Lang was very worried.

Rong Ke smiled: “Of course Youzhou can’t compare with Chang’an, but remoteness also has the advantage of being remote. It doesn’t have so many constraints in Beijing, but it is more comfortable.”

Rong Lang was still worried, and always felt that in order to avoid him, her sister went to Youzhou to suffer. He sighed: “Sister, when you come back this time, don’t you go out again?”

Rong Ke just smiled, and Xiao Jingduo was noncommittal. It’s too early to talk about these things, Rong Ke was afraid to mention this and would have a disagreement with Rong Lang, and just met, it’s best not to make the scene stiff, so Rong Ke took the initiative to change the topic: “You have been in Beijing by yourself these past few years, but you can still it is good?”

How could Rong Lang not hear that Rong Ke was deliberately avoiding the topic, he knew in his heart that it was useless to force it, so he stopped struggling and said, “It’s okay. Dalang, come here.”

Rong Lang’s eldest son stepped forward and bowed to Rong Ke and Xiao Jingduo like a little adult: “I have seen my aunt, I have seen my uncle.”

Rong Lang raised his face: “It should be called Marquis Chengxi.”

“Isn’t my aunt’s concubine my uncle?”

Xiao Jingduo smiled, this is probably the future prince, obviously thinking and logic is a child, but he has to pretend to be an adult, really cute.

Rong Ke was also amused: “Okay, Dalang is right again, don’t always scare children.”

Rong Lang is eight years younger than Rong Ke, but now, Rong Lang’s son is one year older than Xiao Ze.

Rong Ke and Xiao Jingduo felt the sadness of having a child at an advanced age.

The eldest prince with chubby hands and feet looked curiously at the newly arrived beautiful aunt and uncle. His father had always been dignified in front of him, and he and his mother, the queen, were both afraid of their father. Not only him, the concubine Zhaoyi next door did not dare to be presumptuous in front of his father, but his aunt could scold his father casually, and his father admitted with a smile, not annoyed at all.

It was the first time that the eldest prince saw someone who was not afraid of his father. Moreover, the eldest prince didn’t know what to say. Anyway, seeing Rong Ke and Xiao Jingduo sitting side by side, it was a very ordinary gesture. , but it just makes people feel very powerful and dignified, like what the etiquette grandma taught him. The eldest prince secretly glanced at his aunt and uncle again, and his heart became more and more worshipped.

Rong Lang ignored the eldest prince, but said to Rong Ke: “Dalang and Aze are about the same age, in the future, Ajie will often bring Aze to the palace, so that the two of them can get acquainted with each other. One or two.”

Rong Ke smiled and agreed, but in fact she thought that entering the palace would be troublesome and too lazy to come in. Xiao Jingduo saw at a glance that Rong Ke was perfunctory, and laughed in his heart.

The three of them talked for a long time. Later, Rong Lang asked Rong Ke: “Sister, mother has always wanted to see you, do you want to see her?”

Rong Ke’s smile condensed. In fact, after the news of Rong Ke’s pregnancy spread to Chang’an, the Queen Mother Xia also frequently sent things to Youzhou. Those things, Rong Ke has been well sealed up to now.

The knots in the heart are easy to solve, not to mention, the Queen Mother Xia once wanted to break up Rong Ke and Xiao Jingduo.

Xiao Jingduo didn’t quarrel with her, and left this matter to Rong Ke to decide, he respected her choice. Rong Lang also looked at Rong Ke, looking forward to her answer. After a while, Rong Ke said, “She hasn’t seen Xiao Ze yet, and it would be unfair to Xiao Ze for me to prevent her from seeing her. The queen is still waiting in the Wenzheng Palace, so I’ll drop by and visit the Rihua Palace. ”

Rong Lang was overjoyed, and immediately smiled: “Okay, I’ll have someone send you there.”

Wenzheng Palace, the Queen and others waited for a long time, and they could be counted as waiting until Rong Ke. The voice of the palace servants sounded, and just as they stood up, they saw a woman wearing a white and blue top and a long purple dress walking into the palace. A ruby gold hairpin was slanted on her high bun. There are also clear red earrings hanging around her ears. The rubies like water droplets swayed gently in her ears, making her skin crystal clear, like warm jade.

As she came, all the palace servants along the way knelt down and whispered, “Welcome Princess Ganning back to the palace.”

Some of the older palace servants were shaking with excitement.

The young concubines who saw it all thought it was incredible. Just a princess, even if it is highly valued by saints, why is this so? They are the mistresses of the harem.

The queen came forward to meet Rong Ke. The queen wanted Rong Ke to be the master, but Rong Ke said, “The order of the guests and the master must not be disordered.” The queen then sat on the master seat herself and let Rong Ke Sit to the chief guest.

The rest of the concubines will naturally move back according to their rank.

After the queen sat down, she asked with a smile, “Your Highness, Youzhou is so far away from Chang’an, the journey is long and tiring, are you not tired?”

“Never.” Rong Ke smiled lightly, “The queen has a heart.”

After speaking, the queen had nothing to say. In fact, because of Rong Ke’s marriage that year, the emperor directly said, “All specifications are compared with the queen, and they are higher than the queen”, which made the queen very uncomfortable. Over time, this faint but real discomfort would pop up every once in a while.

It was decided by His Royal Highness”, and he could easily contradict her. The queen was not angry, so she went to the emperor to judge, but after the emperor heard it, he said, “Since it was decided by the elder sister, it must be reasonable. You better not toss.”

The queen really has no good feelings for this eldest aunt who can’t be said to be provoked.

The queen has a grievance against Rong Ke, while the rest of the concubines see Rong Ke as a real person, obviously Rong Ke did nothing, but as long as Rong Ke sits there, the concubines are inexplicably guilty and dare not make trouble . The queen had no words, and the concubines also lost their former intelligence. No one came out to relieve the queen. The queen was very embarrassed for a while. Fortunately, Rong Ke quickly asked the palace servants to carry Xiao Ze over. With the child to talk about, the scene soon became hot again.

Rong Ke sat for a while, and when she got the sense of face, she said to the queen, “I want to take Aze to the Queen Mother’s Palace, so I won’t sit with the queen any more.”

The queen also took advantage of the situation and said, “I was just about to say goodbye to my mother.”

The queen is going to the Queen Mother’s Palace, who would dare to go back by herself? Rong Ke and the queen brought a group of mighty concubines to the Rihua Palace to greet them.

Wenzheng Hall and Rihua Hall are not far away. After leaving the Queen’s Palace, it didn’t take long for the Queen Mother’s Palace to arrive. When the old man in front of the queen mother saw Rong Ke, she burst into tears with excitement: “Princess!”

The old mama held Rong Ke’s hand, she was missing, but also feeling guilty: “Princess, you are back!” She didn’t say a word, Rong Ke was willing to come See the queen mother.

The queen mother and the time of departure have not changed much, but there are already lines on the lips. I think they are mostly unhappy and unhappy recently. When Empress Dowager Xia heard that the palace servant said that the Highness of Gan Ning had come down, she stood up in shock, and the sullen look on her face was also swept away: “Keke is back?”

The news that Rong Ke and Youzhou Grand Governor Xiao Jingduo have returned to Beijing is known to the public and the public. How could the Queen Mother not know that Rong Ke returned to Beijing today. She came back, and what she meant was self-evident.

After the queen and the others entered the palace, they saw the queen mother greet Rong Ke warmly, and asked her if she was working hard during the delivery. In the past, when the queen brought people to greet the queen mother, it was difficult to see the good face of the queen mother, and many times she would say “I know” indifferently. Now seeing the queen mother Xia greet Rong Ke warmly and attentively, the queen’s heart is really complicated. .

Rong Ke can’t face her mother without any grudges, but this is her biological mother after all, what can she do? Rong Ke called Xiao Ze up, pointed at Xiao Ze and said “this is the grandmother”, and then asked Xiao Ze to make out with the queen mother.

Old Palace people couldn’t hide their sadness when they saw this scene. The empress dowager’s stupid things still hurt the princess. Now the princess is reluctant to get close to the empress dowager. When she was a child, the princess always called “grandmother” and called it so happily. such a pity…

After Rong Ke left the palace, it was already too late, Rong Lang planned to send someone to take Rong Ke back to the Princess Mansion, but Rong Ke said, “I haven’t met Duke Duan yet, so I will go to Duan Mansion first, It’s not too late to go back home.”

“It’s almost curfew…” Rong Lang was embarrassed.

Rong Ke shook his head and insisted: “Duan Gong has made great contributions to the court and the people, this is what I should do.”

“Then I will send someone to Duan Gongfu to pass the news.”

“No, we are juniors, how can we be so inspiring.” Rong Ke said, “You don’t have to send people to follow me, go back to the palace.”

Xiao Jingduo said: “Sage, go back to the palace, I will accompany His Highness.”

Rong Lang looked at Rong Ke, then at Xiao Jingduo, and sighed helplessly: “Okay, be careful on the road.”

My sister is already married, no matter what she does, Xiao Jingduo is always by her side, Rong Lang sighs.

After arriving at the Duan Mansion, the concierge was shocked when he saw the person: “Marquis Chengxi, Your Highness!”

“It’s us.” Rong Ke smiled, “Is Duke Duan here?”

“I’m here!” The concierge nodded desperately and ran inward, almost falling over halfway, “Master, the princess and the Marquis of Chengxi are here!”

Duan Gong was half lying on the bed, while his son was serving and taking medicine. At this time, there was a sudden shout from the servants outside: “Mr. Xianggong, the princess and the Marquis of Chengxi are here!”

Duan Gong was very surprised: “The princess is here?”

Duan Dalang also felt incredible: “Today Chengxihou and Princess Ganning have just arrived in Beijing, so they should go to the palace first. It’s so late, why are they here?”

Duan Erlang answered: “It should have come out of the palace and went directly to our mansion.”

At this time, Duke Duan struggled to sit up and said, “Hurry up and welcome the princess and the Marquis of Chengxi in!”

Xiao Jingduo and Rong Ke entered the house together, and the Duan family’s children and grandchildren stood in the room, and when they saw them, they would salute: “Marquis Chengxi, Your Highness.”

Xiao Jingduo hurriedly supported Duan Dalang: “Don’t be too polite.” Rong Ke has already walked towards Duan Gong quickly: “Duan Gong, how are you?”

“His Royal Highness!” Duke Duan saw Rong Ke and smiled happily, “I am so old, I never expected to see the princess again before leaving!”

“Duan Gong can’t say that.” Rong Ke quickly held Duan Gong’s hand. The others also responded: “Yes, father, don’t be disheartened.”

With a smile, “The old man and Gaozu’s peers have watched the princess grow up since childhood. At that time, Gaozu and us were reading the battle report in the house, and the princess was on the side, holding a pen and drawing on the discarded battle report. The scene at that time was like yesterday. , but in a blink of an eye, the princess is married, and even the eldest son is almost two years old.”

“Duan Gong.” Rong Ke covered Duan Gong’s hand, and also felt that time was ruthless and pathetic.

“Okay, princess, this old man has crossed four dynasties. He has been an official in the dynasty since the time of Taizu, and he has been enthroned with His Royal Highness the King of Qin, and then personally sent the King of Qin and His Royal Highness to go. Later, the old minister was fortunate enough Witnessing the regency of the princess and creating a prosperous age for our dynasty, this old man has enough in his life. Now that I can see the princess getting married, having a good relationship with the Marquis of Chengxi, the eldest son is also lively and lovely, the old man is already satisfied. When he goes underground, the old man must be satisfied. Tell His Royal Highness King Qin that the county master has grown up and is living well after marriage.”

By the end, Duke Duan had used the title of Emperor Gaozu.

Duan Gong was very happy when he saw Rong Ke and Xiao Jingduo coming over, and his spirit was much better. But after all, he was an old and frail person, and the sequelae of his high spirits soon arrived. It didn’t take long for Duan Gongqiang’s spirit to support it any longer.

Seeing this, Rong Ke regretted her heart and could only retire.

After meeting Rong Ke that day, Duke Duan Xu really wished, and in just two months, this generation of virtuous prime minister passed away.

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